

Skills For Communities is a charitable organisation working throughout the UK and overseas.

We operate from drop in centre based in the heart of community, providing information and access to a wide range of services and satellite projects designed to…

  • Create opportunities
  • Advance education
  • Empower individuals
  • Improve standards
  • Promote independence

We focus on strengthening communities and regeneration by investing in people.

We identify the wealth of potential and capacity that remains unutilised and support individuals in developing key skills, which meet the needs of the local economy.

All our services are community based, to encourage participation, promote social inclusion and provide access to equal opportunity.

Since our constitution, we have worked in the heart of the community helping families and individual to integrate and developing a wider and closer community.

We have been extremely successful in engaging support and participation from the African, BAME, immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers communities.

Whilst we target individuals who may be socially excluded, we are inclusive and operate with an open door policy and welcome everyone.

We welcome support, sponsorship and partnership working with other social enterprise groups, commercial organisations and Local Authorities.

If you would like to become involved with us please contact Andre Ntenda on 07950 047968


I recommend Skills 4 Communities for the help & support and thanks to my Adviser for being there for me!
It feels good to be able to something that is helping me learn how to use computers!
Since starting my course at Skills 4 Communities I have built my confidence and am very happy and pleased with my tutor!
I am full or appreciation and gratitude for the help and encouragement that my Employment Advisor – Louise gave me.
I would like to thank all the staff and especially Jeannette for helping me towards a successful career move, gan more confidence and think positive to move on.

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