We are located centrally on Anlaby Road, Hull, providing access to a wide range of services and support onsite: from accredited and non-accredited Training (Functional skills and ESOL), Employability Support, Work Experience, to IAG (Information Advice and Guidance), job search and affordable housing. This is to ensure all communities of interest are socially and economically included and able to take control of their own lives.
We have services available to the whole community including families, minorities, the locally unemployed and economically inactive, those made redundant or at risk, people in work and local employers and enterprises.
What makes us special is that we are a non-profit organisation and continuously reinvest into providing better community resources. Our service is run with the support of qualified staff and community volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of others.
For more information please call 01482 778873 or email info@skills4communities.co.uk. Monday – Thursday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm