

Status of Trustees

Skills4Communities can have up to 11 trustees on its board. Trustees are appointed for a period of 1 year (subject to current rules in the governing document). Skills4Communities is a company limited by guarantee. Therefore, trustees of the charity are also directors of the company. When a new trustee is appointed there are various forms that must be filled in to satisfy the requirements of the Charity Commision and Companies House. Trustees will also be asked to complete a declaration of interests and undergo enhanced CRB checks.

Trustees are unremunerated (unless provisions under clause 5 are followed), although travel and subsidence are paid.


Skills4Communities has a policy of open recruitment for trustees. We advertise vacant posts publicly, as well as invite applications from our networks, service users and members. As a minimum, Skills4Communities will advertise trustee vacancies via the Skills4Communities website, contacts and one relevant sector publication. We will also reserve one trustee place on our board for a young person.

We ask interested applicants to submit their CV for considering, along with a covering letter which addresses how they meet the person specification.

These posts are subject to an enhanced CRB disclosure and we do take up references. We also ask applicants to disclose anything which may bring Skills4Communities into desrepute.

We will shortlist applications for an interview with the CEO and Chair of Trustees plus one other nominated person. This may be a Skills4Communities employee or a young person.


After interview, potential trustees will be invited to attend a board meeting and after the meeting to confirm whether they would like to be appointed to the board.

After appointment to the board, trustees will be required to complete all relevant paperwork. After appointment and before the next board meeting we will arrange for new trustees to attend an induction and also attend one or more Skills4Communities events.


All new trustees will receive an induction. This will consist of a one day session during which the responsibilities of a trustee will be explored as well as an introduction to key Skills4Communities projects. It will also include information on key Skills4Communities policies and procedures and an understanding of the history and background to Skills4Communities, along with our staffing and decision making structure.
We hope that all new trustees who attend this induction event will stay for a meal and drinks afterwards – this is a good opportunity to socialise with new and existing trustees as well as members of the Senior Management Team.

There is also a requirement for new trustees to read through materials provided. This will consist of, as a minimum, ‘The Essential Trustee’, the Skills4Communities Business plan which contains our strategic objectives, the Employee and Finance Handbooks plus any other relevant and timely materials. We will also arrange for a new trustee to attend one or more Skills4Communities events which will give them an opportunity to see our work in practice and to meet Skills4Communities employees some Skills4Communities service users.

This induction will be largely completed before trustees attend their first board meeting as an appointed trustee.
Despite this process, it normally takes several meetings before trustees feel fully aware of the full extent of the organisation’s activities and confident in their role.

Board Meetings

Board Meetings take place four times per year at our Hull office – normally in early March, early June, early September and early December.


The officers of Skills4Communities are the CEO (Strategy, Business Development and expansion, local decision making with delegation of power from Trustees), Office Manager (Secretarial, Admin & Finance) and Operations & HR Manager (Contracts Admin, Delivery model and Day to day running).

We encourage all trustees to maintain a level of involvement outside of the board meetings.
Trustees are encouraged to assist our senior managers in their roles which provide an opportunity to inform the strategic direction of both our HR and Finance functions as well as fulfilling the ratification element of our HR and Finance operation.

Trustees are actively encouraged to attend Skills4Communities events and meetings as an opportunity to see our work and meet employees and Skills4Communities service users.

We also operate a buddy scheme whereby trustees ca be buddied with an employee who they can meet with on a convenient frequency and provide direct support to that employee or use it as an opportunity to be informed of the work of Skills4Communities.


The Trustees receive a quarterly Operational Review, quarterly Management Accounts along with confirmed and unconfirmed new business reports. They are also sent the weekly internal staff news update which contains short updates from all Skills4Communities employees & champions.

Current Trustees

Mark Bevan

Alphonse Ilunga

Valerie Gascoigne

Sub Committees/groups

Internal Audit & Risks management
Health & Safety
Information Security & Data Protection
Equality & Diversity


Without the support from my Adviser I wouldn't have even been given the opportunity of an interview, so for me now to gain a job after being unemployed was a great confidence boost.
When I first came to Skills 4 Communities I only knew the basics of computers. Now, thanks to my tutor - Mariusz, I have learnt a lot and am very confident using the internet.
Thank you for all your help Mariusz! I really enjoyed my time in the ICT class.
Since starting my course at Skills 4 Communities I have built my confidence and am very happy and pleased with my tutor!
Before I came to Skills 4 Communities I was unsure that they could help me as I felt I has done all the courses before. I was wrong! I gained new skills and work experience before being offered employment.

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