Volunteers required

Volunteers are required for the following tasks:-Conversation ESOL, -Social events for the socially isolated etc. Please contact us on 01482 778873 or e-info@skills4communities.co.uk for more information or an application pack.



S4C truly delivers the skills that employers are looking for and are very patient with their customers. I am now working and my happiness has come back!
When I first came to Skills 4 Communities I only knew the basics of computers. Now, thanks to my tutor - Mariusz, I have learnt a lot and am very confident using the internet.
Thanks to Skills 4 Communities for providing me with funding towards a bike so that now I can get to work on time!
Since starting my course at Skills 4 Communities I have built my confidence and am very happy and pleased with my tutor!
I would like to thank all the staff and especially Jeannette for helping me towards a successful career move, gan more confidence and think positive to move on.

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